I am packing to move and finding stuff I did not even remember I had – stuffed away in drawers and boxes (from previous moves I might add). Wow, I was sailing through the study until I came to some thoughts I totally did not realize I was thinking. On page 12 of Day 1 we have an exercise and I could not think of any negative thoughts I had towards myself. BUT...I was so eager to do the homework I started Day two and was on page 14 whenI started finding things I did not remember I had said – SAY – to myself. I had to stop the study right there and determined to use today to actually listen to myself. I am going to try to note in a small notepad when and what negative words I actually say to myself. The enemy seems good at helping me hide these negative words in a back corner of my “thought closet” and forget they are there. I am really looking forward to this study!! It is going to be challenging for me but I am already excited at what Jesus can, and will do. Because I am recognizing how difficult this is going to be for me, I am purposing to pray for each one of you by name every morning. I know Jesus will help us to clean out our closets – He is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can ever ask, dream or hope! Lets’ do this thang!! (that was not a typo even though my spellcheck just told me it was – I was hearing Beth Moore in my head!)
I downloaded week one as well, so I'm good to go too!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say that I don't really struggle with negative self-talk that much, except on those days of the month when I'm hormonal! : )
I know there are going to be topics coming up that I'll be dealing with though.
But on page 13 (Day 1) I thought she made a very profound statement: "Who I am and what I struggle with are not the same thing"
That statement really stopped me in my tracks. Have I filled my "thought closet" with thoughts of who I truly am, or have I confused my identity with my struggles?
I have to admit, I allow my struggles to dictate who I am.
What about the rest of you?
Hi everyone, the comment that I posted was to the wrong blog... opps, so I redid it to the right one. I somehow got it on the sign up one. "No negative thoughts about messing up" (how's that for self talk) :) But thank you so much for the cntl find trick I didn't know that worked in Blog land.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure this study will give each of us something to work on, but it's exciting to see how strong and confident we will come out of this. Have a great day everyone.
Lynn R - Milwaukie OR
Good Morning Ladies,
ReplyDeleteI too am really enjoying this studying so far. I was blown away w/ the statement that "Who I am and what I struggle with are not the same thing". I hear it rolling around in my head several times a day, which is good because it most likely replaces an ugly thought. Overslept this morning so didnt have a chance to do Day 3 yet but I will!! June, thanks for the reminder to pray for one another daily. Count me in on that! Jill Vandalia, MO
Hey .. thanks so much for letting me know about the download of the first chapter. I do not have a book here in nepal, so I am excited to be joining in on the homework for the the first week at least anyways.
ReplyDeleteI realized an exciting revelation on Day one's homework. See I used to have a horrible thought closet.. Satan had me so bond (or my own self also) to negative self esteem that I felt horrible about myself. Then God began a mighty work on my thought closet. For two years I was getting my masters in christian counseling and that's like 2 years of not so free counseling for yourself.. hehehe :-) But God really used that time to do a miracle in my thoughts and how I saw myself.. especially in the area of beauty. I asked God if He thought I was beautiful because I sure didn't.. and He responded Yes! So God did a work. But sometimes I feel guilty to accept that and the who I am in CHrist thoughts I have. But it was exciting when she asked to fill out I AM statements, most of the ones that first came to my mind were not negative. This is only to God's glory! and I am realizing that is HIS treasure and awesome work that He has done. I know I still have many thoughts in my closet that need remaking-- but just wanting to praise God for the victory He has done!
Hey, Siestas,
ReplyDeleteJudi, I, too, was "blown away" by the statement --who I am and what I struggle with are not the same thing -- my failing health leaves me often tempted to think that I am "useless for the kingdom anymore" because I can't "do" what I used to do (teach, be out there serving all the time). But, being home all the time, with very few obligations, affords me more time to pray; to read the Word and share what I'm learning by email, blog and writing; to be an encourager; did I mention, to pray? My self-talk has/had just skipped over the importance of my relationship with God, and how He has me where I am for His purposes (I'm gluing Proverbs 16:3 to my eyeballs so I will never forget)
I will be praying, too. I just love you girls already!
beverly, Stayton, OR
Oh Jenn - I hear you so well re the guilty feeling sometimes when you think of who you are in Christ. I pray every day (since Believing God bible study) that I will remember who He says He is and who I am in Him. And He does remind me but I often hear "you are not worthy" or "really??" I usually recognize it and say right out loud "I AM who He says I am" even if I don't feel it - because "I'm believing God!". I forgot about those nasty thoughts - thank you for reminding me so I can pary about that right along with all the other junk!
ReplyDeleteHOW is the packing going? The water situation? I did a google search and noted there was light rain in Dhankuta - is that near you??
Blessings, June
Hi Siestas, Jenn I can relate to what you are saying about your thought closet as well. God did an amazing work in my mind when I was in my 30's and so I have had a couple decades of learning to believe Him. The Believing God study reinforced that for me and all the glory goes to Him. After we finished that study a friend bought me a metal "Believe" bookmark and it's a great reminder to do just that!
ReplyDeleteBeverly, I am sorry about your health but you are so right in that you can be a great prayer warrior and encourager right from your home. I have posted a list of all our prayer requests on the Kick Off post so they are all in one place. I printed it and have it on my frig so I'll remember you all! Have a great day everyone!
Lynn in AB
Hey, Siestas,
ReplyDeleteI just got my book and have done two days of homework. Oh, my, there is work to be done on my very large walk in closet! :-) The words, I am NOT what I struggle with are huge. HUGE. I'm going to be pondering that for a long time. And how about that "commit and rely" statement? Am praying for a powerful work of God in each one of us, for His glory.
Gretchen in CA
I have been struck by Psalm 19:14, that it's not just the words of my mouth that need to be acceptable to God, but also the things that I'm meditating on - and I'm learning that means the things I'm contemplating, considering, pondering, mulling over, deliberating on, and reflecting on.
ReplyDeleteI really like the image of changing my "what ifs" to "what is". It makes me realize more than ever, just how important it is for me to memorize scripture, so that I'll be able to recall the "what is"!!
OMGOSH!! Was anyone else blown away w/ the excerise of replacing our "What if thoughts with What IS"?? This was an eyeopener for me. AMAZING. Praise you Lord!
I have to tell you God impressed that I must share one of the answers to a question from Day 3 (I have my day of sabbath rest today from the craziness of nepal so that's why I studied for a long time which is why I am able to be on day 3) The question asked Describe a time stored away in yoru thoughts that reminds you of Gods word of wonders. Well I have to tell you about this ladies. for soo many years I struggled with low low self esteem. I had about the self esteem of probablly a dog :-( I needed a HUGE thought overhaul... I had been rejected so many times.. especially by peers and especially in the area of beauty. As a 27 year old I have never been asked on a date EVER. When I was in High school I paid a guy to take me to my senior prom. Well we got to the downtown area where the prom was, and He left me on the bridge there. He said I don't want to be seen with you.. you are just ugly. So I did not get to go to my senior prom. The day I felt most like a princess I was devestated to hear that I was in reality not a princess but a pauper. I began to believe from that point on that lie that there was nothing beautiful about me. Until about 4 years ago when I started graduate school for Christian counseling. The Lord used that time in my life as I was getting my masters to do a HUGE thought closet overhaul in my life. I began to study a Bible study by Angela Thomas called Do you think i'm beautiful. i realized that the way I felt so ugly about myself was crippling my life with insecurities and keeping me from walking in God confidence. So the book encouragfes you to ask God in boldness DO you think I'm beautiful and expect Him to answer. So I did. For about a period of a year I asked God do you think I'm beautiful and waited on His answer. And answer He did. I went on a spiritual direction retreat for a class credit (what an awesome class huh) and on that retreat a man I did not k now came up to me . He said, "God has an answer to your question. Song of Solomon 4:7". Then He left. Again I had never met this man before. So i had to know what that said. Went to my Bible and tears streamed down as I read, " You are althougher beautfiul my love, there is NO FLAW in you."
ReplyDeleteHello.. talk about an answer from the lord. So whenever I am tempted to look in the mirror or compare myself to others, or hear the voice of the guy on the bridge telling me I was not pretty enough, I remind myself of God's answer!
Oh Jenn, what an amazing story of God answering the prayer of his daughter's heart!!
ReplyDeleteWe as a culture are so obsessed with outward beauty. That is something that really bothers me. But something that I've noticed in the last few years is that you can have a woman who is very physically attractive but has a real attitude - sullen, negative, cynical. However if you take another woman who doesn't have the physical qualities of beauty that the world looks for, but she has a joy and confidence in the LORD, there is no comparison - the second one is by far more beautiful!!
I'm so glad that God has done this amazing work in your life and that you've share it with us. I feel privileged.
Jill, I too am amazed at the huge difference between "what if" and "what is", and how it changes everthing when I can switch my thinking to "what is"!!
Jenn, THANK YOU for sharing your answer with us. Although we may never meet this side of heaven, I can assure you that You are indeed beautiful !! I am humbled to be doing this study w/ you
Jenn, thank you so much for sharing your answer with us. What a beautiful story of God's love for you and all of us. Wow, isn't it just so great when God answers the longing of our hearts in such an awesome way, in a way that we can have absolutely no doubt that it is Him. It brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. You are beautiful!! I agree with Judi that physical beauty just does not compare to the beauty of a life lived for Jesus. Praise God!!
ReplyDeleteAs I read this conversation Isaiah 53:2b just jumped into my mind: “(Jesus) had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him”. Jenn you are in such great company!!! Jesus beauty was found in His perfect love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I want to praise our great Father right along with you for His amazing passionate love for each one of us. I have just completed Focus on The Family’s The Truth Project and one statement that struck me is that God is infinite. I knew that but not the implications of it. If you divide infinity by 10 you still have infinity. If you divide infinity by ANY number you still have infinity. God’s infinite love is ALL focused on each one of us! Hard to grasp and the enemy would have me question my state of mind to think God loves me that much and yet the Cross tells me just that. Jenn, you are so amazing to open yourself up the way you did, sharing your vulnerability. Thank you for enriching my life with your sharing and your trust. By the way...do you have water yet?? I have been praying that it would pour! Blessings, June
ReplyDeleteI found your blog and the download for week one today- right after I found out my online workbook order failed to process! Will the other weeks be available anywhere to download? I really don't want to order a workbook at this late date. I am very grateful for week one, so thank you! I will get started!
ReplyDeleteJenn thank you so much. I too suffered from low self esteem and child hood torements, however not to the degree you have. My husband has always said there is nothing more beautiful than a Godly woman, her inner beauty shines through. Thank you for that scripture, it's one that I want for future use. I've been praying for rain for you!
ReplyDeleteFran - I don't think you can get the rest of the book on down load but if I hear of it I'll let you know.
What an overhaul this study is doing in all of us. I have noticed that some of the words of our closet can be buried deep under all the shoes at the bottom. Sneeky little words.
Question What day is what Is Day one Wednesday or Tuesday????
Thanks everyone and Have a great day,
Blessings from Oregon, Lynn
Hi Fran,
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome to join us, even if your book comes in.
Some of us are also waiting on books - they're on backorder.....which reminds me, I must call the Christian bookstore and get them to check on the status..
Lynn, I believe day 1 is today - but since there are 5 days it doesn't really matter.
I'm going to post a new thread for Week 2 discussion, even though some of us don't have the notes for week 2.
Don't forget, Beth is only doing the online "sessions" ever 2 weeks, which will mean July 6 is the next one.
Hey, is there anyone who would be willing to scan week 2 in their book and email the pages to those of us who don't have it? Just a thought!
I just called the store that I ordered the books from (over 4 wks ago!) and they said they are still on back-order.
ReplyDeleteGrrr.....the thoughts hanging in my closet are not gracious, but they're truthful!!
Can someone please tell me what the title of the 2nd week is????
I am late in joining but after reading all of your posts I am so looking forward to it! Seeing what God is doing through all of you is so inspirational...thank you.
ReplyDeleteOk, who has a book? Please tell me what the title of chapter 2 is!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please!
Week 1 What’s in Your Thought Closet?
ReplyDeleteWeek 2 Filling Your Thought Closet with Truth
Week 3 A Wise Thought Closet
Week 4 Guarding the Door of Your Thought
Week 5 God in the Centre of Your Thought
Week 6 A Hope-Filled Thought Closet
Hi Judi - found it on Lifeway - "view a sample lesson". I am still waiting for my book.
Never thought to look for it there - thanks!
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw that you had the titles I thought that meant you now also have your book! : )
Enjoying the study and am on Day 2 week 2.
ReplyDeleteJust last night I made a statement and I saw my husband frown at me, when I got off the phone he said.....you are too hard on yourself. So it made me stop and think about what I had said.