Monday, September 7, 2009

Hungry? A Video Devo from Jennifer Rothschild

(Sorry that this is being posted so late on Monday.....I've been having internet issues!! - Judi)

Jennifer asks: "What is your favorite comfort food? If you know me even a little, you'll know that mine is usually dark chocolate! Food has a unique way of making up for emotional roller coasters, boredom and lack of energy. What about your spiritual food?"

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer is fast becoming one of my favourite people. She is so transparent! I love it. I related so much to her devo - I need to ask myself more often "why am I eating this?" I have been doing the study "Conversation Peace" and am on Day 3 of Week 6 - The study this morning was Deuteronomy 30:11-14 as well as Ezekiel 2:7-3:4. Both passages reference eating God’s word! I found it so amazing today’s blog devo is about desiring spiritual food! Ezekiel 3:3 says that God’s words taste “as sweet as honey”. I love honey (well, those that know me know my love for molasses!) and know that His word satisfies me and benefits the study says “When Ezekiel opened his mouth, he was filled with the sweet taste of God’s words and was consequently filled with words to speak to others.”
    What a blessing this devo has been.
    Thanks Judi for posting!


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