Saturday, August 8, 2009

August Chat

Hey Ladies, this is the place, for the rest of the month of August, to write your random thoughts, post messages to one another, favourite verses, prayer requests.
In June's words: maybe a "chat" posting would be useful - people can read - or not, and respond, or not.
Let's continue to keep in touch!


  1. Yesterday would have been my husband's birthday, sort of had a down day and feeling kind of sad even today. I know it won't last long but I've had a few days like this recently which is unusual for me. I think I'll walk over to my daughter's and water her plants as she is away. Maybe I'll feel better just getting outside.

  2. So sorry to hear you are down...I note you have a birthday in August - trusting it will be full of blessings!!! Your input on this blog has been so encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing yourself. Praying our Father will wrap you in a special hug this afternoon!
    Blessings, June

  3. I am hoping some more people join us...

    Beverly - your two daughters are expecting babies - on in August and one in September. I have been praying for their health and delivery - as well as your being able to visit them...really anxious to hear about your new grandbabies. Grandbabies are SOOOOO precious!

    Michele - I have been wondering how your mother-in-law is. Your posts are so inspiring - thank you.

  4. Lynn - sorry about that down feeling you were having. I'm sure memories must pop into your mind at all times. I hope you're feeling better now.

    Bev - Yes! tell us about the grandbabies!

    Please continue to pray for me, that our house will sell. Now that its getting near the end of the summer, I am so tempted to feel anxious, instead of "waiting" on my Heavenly Father. What a great reminder in Michele's devotional today!

    Over on the LPM Blog, Melissa posted an interesting entry yesterday. If you haven't read it, go over and have a look. Then come back here and answer the question she poses at the end: "When you were a kid who or what did you want to be when you grew up? And what do you do now?" I think it will be fun to see all our responses!!

  5. Hi ladies!
    It's the first chance I've really had to be here since Wednesday. I am a new grandma. Payton Jane Holmes was born Aug 7, 4:43 a.m. 5lbs 14oz 19.5 inches long. She is adorable! Diana's c-section was scheduled for 8 a.m., but Payton had her own ideas about her appearance. At least she waited for us to arrive before she did!
    Our trip was quite the adventure. Fairbanks AK is surrounded by forest fires. We got to Anchorage on schedule, but flights were being cancelled left and right trying to reach Fairbanks. We couldn't get to Fairbanks on Wed. night as scheduled. A friend of ours has a son who has a "rent a wreck" business in Fairbanks. He had purchased a car at auction in Anchorage and let us drive it up for him. God provides what we need and when! We finally got to our daughter's home Thursday night (it's 373 miles from Anchorage to Fairbanks). She was packed to go to the hospital, as she had started contractions early.
    We are having a great time with our little granddaughter. I just talked to my other daughter in OR. Her best friend just delivered her baby last night (they are due within a week of each other). I told her "you just have to wait until I get home!!" She's due Sept 2, but we may have 2 August grandkids. . .
    I really want to keep up this blog/chat that we have. Lynn, I'm sorry for your difficult time. I keep remembering Psalm 31:7 "I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and care about the anguish of my soul."
    I will be sporadic until I return to OR. Thanks for your prayers!

  6. This is really relating to the last chapter of the MM&L study, but since it's over now, I thought I'd share it on here.....
    I just realized I have a great example of "entitlement" in my own life, and I do it all the time......
    I tell myself I'm entitled to an extra piece of dessert, or I'm entitled to ice cream at the end of the day. After all, I worked hard today, so I deserve it!!
    When I look at those kind of treats as something that is owed to me, instead of what they are (occasional treats), not only do I sabotage any weight-loss plans, but I also treat food as an idol.

  7. Judi - I know exactly what you mean. I never thought of it that way! Thanks - I will be more open to watching for that.

  8. Please continue to pray for me as we get ready to move, trusting that the LORD will sell our house.
    We found a house that we really love. Its quite a bit smaller than our present house, but we are trying to downsize, and it's on a beautiful lot. We put in an offer conditional on the sale of our home, and it has been accepted. So we have till Aug 23rd to sell our house.
    God has been teaching me an awful lot about trust in the past few weeks. Is my trust conditional? I really struggle with that one! I say that I'm trusting Him to sell our house, but what do I mean by that? Do I mean "I am trusting God that He is going to do what we've asked Him to do"?
    If that's the case, what will happen if He doesn't do what I've asked? Was my trust misplaced? And was it really trust at all, since I was dictating the outcome?
    Am I trusting in the outcome, leaving God out of the equation, even though I piously say "I'm trusting Him to sell our house".
    Or am I simply trusting God.....period. Leaving the outcome with Him, and saying, no matter what happens, "God, I trust YOU. You are faithful and You are good. I surrender my plans and my will to YOU."

  9. Hi Beverley - just wondering how the second grandchild is doing - should be here by now - you mentioned the date was Sept. 2nd. Did you make it? Or do you have two August grandbabies?? Would love to hear - was it as exciting a ride as the first - or more calm??
    Blessings, June


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