Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Siesta Bible Study Gathering # 4

Wow, its hard to believe that we are at the end of our study.

If you haven't quite finished (like me), then grab your book & your Bible and catch up!! Then join us for our last "meeting".

Here's Beth's video - be sure to watch it start to finish - it is such a hoot!!!

Now here are the four interactives that Beth is giving us to do (copied from her Blog):

"First two from Week Five:

1. See pages 102-103. Book freak that I am, I loved the way Jennifer started the week with English author Huxley’s comparison of our memories to private collections of literature. Lock in on the graphic of the books on the shelf on p.103. Each person share the words they wrote on the first and last book.

2. See pages 112-113 where Jennifer talks about the unattractiveness of complaining. You might say, it’s like living our lives with rollers in our hair. Jennifer drew a very insightful connection between a complaining spirit and a sense of entitlement. In your gatherings, talk about what you think the term “entitlement” means and offer a few examples of it.

Second set from Week Six:

3. See p.126. As we wrap up our series, I want you guys to share your answers (even if you didn’t write them down) to Jennifer’s first questions: What’s the most significant thing you recognized about your self-talk so far? In other words, I’m asking you to share the biggest revelation you received through the study about your thought closet.

BTW, I loved Jennifer’s creativity in the interactive on p.130 about the colors in our closets. I like questions that really make me think and imagine. These are the kinds of question some of our personality types and learning styles love and others roll their eyes about. If you are the kind that loved it and you came up with a pretty creative color, share it! If you’re the kind that rolled your eyes, roll them one more moment while your sister shares. I love you both.

4. See the bottom of p.136. What is the most frequent song you’re singing right now to your soul to help you persevere and keep hope alive? I almost overlooked this exercise because we shared a post not too long ago concerning the songs that stir up our love for Jesus. This one’s a little different though. Jennifer is asking specifically about songs that stir us up to perseverance. Songs that make us essentially say, “March on, my soul, be strong!” What’s yours presently?

Siestas, I have loved EVERY MINUTE of this study! Thank you so much for participating! Be sure and start looking right away for the Bible study you’re going to do this Fall. We’ve got to plan for faithfulness and, to do that, we’ve got to stay in God’s Word! I will ask you late in August what you’re planning to do in September for Bible study so try to make up your mind by that time. Remember, accountability is KEY!!! "

Okay, this is our last session (sniff, sniff), so let's really put our hearts and thoughts out there and share some of the real stuff that God has been doing in us!!!


  1. Wow, what a great weekend we had camping! I fell a little bit behind. One of the reasons was my 11 yr old sister borrowed my Bible over the weekend to share bible stories with my curious 8yr old niece. Praise God for child like faith!
    1. Some of my most vivid shaping memories would be: A few social situations in Highschool ( I feel so embarrased or regretful just remembering them!)I also have one of the books labelled as Swimming lessons as a child. I was terrified of water and my parents thought it best to enroll me in swimming lessons to help me get over my fears. Never had I felt so scared and alone, both in my fears and in the water.
    2. I really don't know what entitlement means. I thought it meant what I had earned and therefore deserved. i.e. I'm entitled to my own opinion, basic human rights, respect. I guess I tend to think I'm entitled to quite a few things from quite a few people and it very much comes out in the complaining I do when they don't deliver. Of course since I complain in my head and not outloud I thought I was some sort of humble martyr...
    3. I recognized that my self-talk is all about me and my wants, how I want to be in control and how successful I am in my own mind. I thought that if people don't know my thoughts then I'm not hurting anyone but myself. How wrong I was. It's like I'm so busy trying to concrete a way that I can live my life so that i please God and feel the approving love that i miss the point entirely. It's about having a relationship with my Abba Father. Pleasing God is a good thing, but I was always trying to do it on my terms. My Lord doesn't seem to be so interested in my idea of a polished goal or finished product so much as How we got there... together. I'm not sure I making much sense here.
    4. I haven't quite got to this page..however as I read it now I wouldn't mind commenting on the song going on in my head. As a gift my little boys received a Steve Green Hid 'em in your heart CD that simply puts bible verses to music. I go around the house singing these bible verses ALOT. The one I sing most, lately, is "Do everything without complaing" from Phillipians 2:14-15 I think.

    It's been wonderful sharing our hearts, thoughts and time. I look forward to reading everyone's posts!
    Heidi Smith

  2. #1. Dropping out of college(still working to forgive myself on that one. The devil loves to remind me what a loser I was to do that) and re-dedicating my life to Christ. I have changed so much since 1996.

    #2. I loved this revelation about complaining. In fact I called a prayer partner and asked her to hold me accountable as I tried to go 1 day w/ complaining about anything. What an eye opener! I also didnt realize that I was harboring a sense of entitlement. Like blessings were "due" me because I was "good" or taught Sunday School oh LORD forgive me for thinking I am owed anything. Please help me really believe that your grace and mercy are enough for me!
    #3.My biggest revelation was how much I think about the What ifs instead of what is. This has been huge to me!!
    #4. I find myself singing Jesus Loves Me and Power in the Blood. I cant ponder useless things w/ those 2 songs ringing in my head!

  3. Sorry I am late in posting this.

    1. My first book is titled 'accepted', from my childhood, and my last book is titled 'healing and restoration' referring to the time when my husband was dying and I returned to take care of him. In between those books were loss and adultery (his).
    That is a long story!

    2. An attitude of entitlement to me means expecting something other than what I deserve.

    3. I did a study on my thought life about 20 years ago that really changed my thought patterns. This study reinforced many of the things I learned then. Something that stood out to me in this study is that it is not just what I say about myself that can clutter up my closet. What I think of others and even say in my mind to them, like when I drive and someone cuts me off, are also negative things that I need to clean from my thoughts. Not sure why that brings out those gasoline words but it does!! Maybe it's a sense of entitlement:)

    4. My current songs are: Jesus Messiah, In Christ Alone, Jesus Saves. I love praise & worship music and usually listen to it as I drive to work in the morning.

    I have so enjoyed doing this study with all of you. Hopefully we can keep connected through this blog.


  4. 1. Pneumonia. There is so much memory attached to this word and it would take too much time to explain it all, but in short I was gravely ill with this at the age of three and all that occurred around that time in my family was significant.
    2. Sprint. A short-term summer missions trip to Peru at the age of 16 that God used to move my heart to eventually serve as an overseas missionary.

    2. Entitlement to me means believing one has a deserved right which develops primarily when one loses their heart of gratitude for the things they've been given. The example that came to mind for me is when my kids ask to use my computer and intially they are grateful to have the opportunity to use it but with time they start to lose that gratitude and develop this sense of entitlement to my computer so that when I am either using it or ask them to get off it, they become angry with me. I too can so easily be the same way with everything God blesses my life with and I so appreciated this exercise to be reminded that even the very breath I take is from God. I need to cultivate more in my life a heart of gratitude so I keep away from bad attitudes.

    3. The most significant thing I've recognized about my self-talk so far is thinking that the broken significant relationships in my life are hopeless in ever being restored. I do take comfort from the Biblical hope stated in Romans 5:5 and also verses 1-4. "Hope is Christ himself!"

    4. I like this question because I always have a song going on in my head! :) The latest has been "Give me Jesus". This song relates well for me particular to Christ being my hope. The more I love and hope in Him, the better I am able to persevere and be spiritually motivated!

    I too want to express my gratitude for the blessing of doing this on-line study with all my fellow siestas. It's amazing how on-line technology can give us the opportunity to get to know other sisters in Christ and share the good work He is doing in each of our lives. And as good as all this is, can you even imagine what Heaven will be like? <3

  5. 1.On my bottom book I wrote "Mrs Braun", who was my piano teacher and urged me to excel.
    On my top book I wrote "Kirsten", a friend I lost in Bible College.

    2. Entitlement to me is when someone believes they have a right to a certain type of treatment, or service from others.
    While doing this study, I realized that it is really easy for me to spot entitlement in others, but I'm like that person James 1 talks about who looks in the mirror but then forgets what she looks like after a few minutes. Entitlement is a real blind spot for me. I've realized that any time I feel misunderstood, misjudged, mistreated, it always starts with a spirit of entitlement.

    3. I've realized that my self-talk is not always accurate, and so I need to be in the Word more than ever, to replace negative self talk with Godly self-talk.
    3b. I didn't answer that question about the colour of the clothes in my thought closet - it's multi-coloured!

    4. Songs that stir me to perseverence.....hmm... an old hymm that I sing often that reminds me to walk with Jesus is "Come Thou Fount" (I had to look up the title because I couldn't remember the first line of the song!)
    Another one is "I Belong" by Kathryn Scott because it reminds me that "nothing can take me away from You: forever Your truth remains" and it's based on Romans 8:35 - 39 "What can separate me from the love of Christ?"

    Ladies, it has been a real treat to do this study with you all!! Thank you so much for participating in it, and for sharing your lives and being vulnerable!
    We'll continue to have our Monday devo each week, and our 1st & 15th Scripture memory vetses.
    And....June had a really neat idea that we should continue to have a "chat" thread on this blog. We can share insights, prayer requests, and just follow up with one another. Please check back often if you're interested in continuing to "chat" with one another!!


  6. 1. First book – Mom’s stroke – when I was 15 I was angry with my mom about something petty and punished her by not talking to her for one week. Finally, one night something happened and we started talking and did so way into the night – the next morning my mom had a stroke and never woke up.

    Second book – Son’s car accident – I was a one hour drive from the hospital and did not know if I would find him dead or alive – My daughter had called and simply said he would not wake up and the ambulance was on the way – she then hung up. During that hour I turned both my children over to the Lord (they were then 19 & 17 – 14 years ago).

    2. I believe entitlement is any situation when I think I am better than someone else and expect more. The hardest times I have with feelings of entitlement are when I am driving a car or pushing a shopping cart. I believe that I am entitled to move either vehicle as I want without being impeded by slow drivers or being cut off by cars or carts! This study has given me the nudge to address this attitude in these areas.

    3. My biggest revelation through this study has impacted and blessed me! God has shown me that, although there are definite areas needing alterations/clearing out, for the most part my thoughts are fairly okay. I have come to realize how my thoughts consist of mainly dialogue (or monologue) with God about EVERYTHING. So when I “complain” I realize relatively quickly that I am really complaining to God about something He has allowed or has chosen, out of His goodness, not to provide at that time. That has been very humbling.

    4. I always have song lyrics going through my head – the past two very challenging weeks have mainly consisted of 3 songs – one main one (even now I am humming it!). The main song is Gordon Jensen’s “God’s Gonna Make a Way (He always does!). The other two are by Ray Boltz – “Dare to Believe” and “I Think I See Gold”. Amazing encouraging lyrics.

    Oh my goodness, this is the study over. I am really looking forward to staying in touch through the CHAT LINE that has been started….see you there!

    Blessings to all my siestas!

  7. June, I find it interesting that we both have problems with drivers!! I lived out in the country an hour from town for several years and was used to just driving! When I moved to the city there were all these other people in my way!! LOL

  8. Oh Lynn...LOL is right - I read your comment on my email notice and continued to laugh until I opened the blog. It is so nice to be understood!!! See you on the chat line!


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