Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Rear-View Mirror

I had to go on a bit of a road trip today. The sun was bright and the leaves were absolutely beautiful. I had my praise and worship music in and I was singing along – totally enjoying the moment. All of a sudden this changed! I had entered into a section of road that was under construction and the bright sun hi-lighted all of the road makings making it impossible to identify which lane was which. I quickly found myself looking around for cars and fortunately the traffic was light. But...when I looked into my rear-view mirror something interesting caught my attention – the lines could be viewed perfectly! I glanced ahead again and they still looked all mixed up as the sun hi-lighted the areas where the workers had painted over the old markings, making them seem real again. As long as I glanced into my rear-view mirror I could keep my car in my lane of traffic – I could see the way.

After I drove out of the construction area I was thinking about what had just happened and was reminded about a book I have just finished, The Sacred Romance, by Brent Curtis and John Eldridge. This book describes the relationship God desires to have with each of us. The authors speak of life being a journey and referenced what we need to take on that journey. The three main things we need are faith, hope and love. The authors often quoted from Pilgrim’s Progress and, at one point, described when Pilgrim lay in despair because he had forgotten – forgotten how he had overcome pain, hardship, terror and loneliness. “Hopeful” urged Pilgrim to remember, both all he had been through as well as the assurance he has from God who called him on the journey. The authors suggest that “life on the road requires recollection of our Lord’s past deeds on our behalf and His promise of continued faithfulness to us. We will need courage and patience and those are strengthened by remembering. We will need memory, which is to say, we will need faith. Faith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead and keeps desire alive.” Faith looks back...Faith remembers! Romans 5:3-4 “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

So, on the road of life, when the way becomes blurred and not totally clear, we need to look in the rear-view mirror in faith, remembering all that God has brought us through and all of His precious promises to us. As we draw courage from that we can then look ahead again – to the often-times still blurred lines – and know where we are to go, trusting God all the while – for He IS trustworthy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey June, what a neat reminder! I love the analogy of the rear-view mirror.
    My laptop is in being serviced at Future Shop, so for the past week and a half, I haven't had the RSS feeds for this blog and the LPL blog coming in to my inbox. I've missed them!
    I tried to log in to the LPL Blog the other day, and it took me to something completely different. Then when I tried the truevibe blog, it took me to another one as well, so I was worried the blogs weren't there anymore.
    Glad I've found them again!!
    So, I apologize for not putting up the memory verse post for Oct 15th - I was a little busy that day :-) I have been memorizing still, but this past one has been a little more difficult for me.
    So, my question to you is: do you want to take over this blog and use it for whatever you want, now that you're leading True Vibe? I would still like to be a part of it, but I don't think I'm the one to maintain it anymore. It would be great if some of the women in the bible study would step up and contribute as well!!
    Pray about it, ok?
    Anyway, I think I'll send you an email, cuz I just finished watching the first "He Is" video!
    Chat later,


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