Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beth's New Bible Study - "The Inheritance"

I was just on the LPM home site and saw that Beth has a brand new Bible study out!!!!
Check it out at
If you haven't got a Bible study in place for your women's ministry this fall, you many want to have a look.

1 comment:

  1. I just received my Inheritance study in the mail today. I can hardly wait to get home after work to start to watch the DVDs. I won't actually start the study until we finish MM&Lies but I need a sneak peek! It will carry me through until our women's study at church starts again in the fall. I also downloaded the "Life 100 Fold" message offered on the website as well. I think that was the message from last year's simulcast which I attended here at our church in Red Deer. I am on the prayer team for this year's simulcast as well and really looking forward to it. My longtime friend, the one who actually introduced me to Beth Moore studies many years ago, is coming to attend with me. We'll have a blast!! Have a great day everyone!


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