Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 5 - God in the Centre of your Thought Closet

As you work through week 5 in the MM&L book, please post your comments, questions & any discussion thoughts here. As "Bible Study Buddies", lets be accountable to one another.

I just finished watching Session 4's video. It's a .wmv file and you can download it from Lifeway for $4.99. I would highly reccommend watching this one if you can. My preference would be to have you all over to my place so we could all watch it together from my computer screen, but here's the link to the Lifeway page: click here

I was intrigued when I had a look at the listening guide fill in the blanks, so that's why I decided to purchase the video file. I'm really glad I did! She bases her message on the story of Namaan & his leprosy, and Jennifer has some really right-on things to say about sin in our thought closets. And also gives some good questions to ask our accountability partners.


  1. Hi to everyone, Judi I would love to be able to come to your house and if it was evening I would even drink decaf!!LOL I think I'll download the video for this lesson and will try and have some input for the blog after I watch it. Hope you all have a great weekend. It's 30 degrees here today and suppose to be the same tomorrow. Too hot for me out in the sun but I love to outside in the shade just enjoying summer.

  2. Hi, ladies,
    I'll be checking the blog frequently, but I'm going to get a little behind on the study. The women's ministry is considering using this study for their winter session (yeah!!) but they borrowed my book to look it over first. How could I say no! you can't have it!??? I know I will get it back in a week or two.
    This has been a passion and prayer focus for me for about 5 years. I see what "stinkin' thinking" has done to women, and I also know what replacing my thought closet with God's truth has done in my life. I'm so excited to see what God will do!

  3. Was anyone else as blown away I was at Jennifer's "story" on p.120? For me, it was a light went on!! I admit I am guilty of making time to look after the temple, but not always making the time to use it for worship!!!
    I'm thankful for this Bible study and for Jennifer for making me more aware of this.

  4. What a great reminder, on p. 122, of how much God values us!! I'm so glad Jennifer brought us back to these verses of truth. In week 2, on p. 36, she gave us a list of truthful labels, and I wish we could have spent more time on each of them.
    The verses describing God's thoughts towards us reminded me of a video called "The
    Father's Love Letter" If you haven't yet seen it, I am posting it in a separate post, since blogspot won't accept the html tags in the comment box.
    (and if you have already seen it, watch it anyway, because its such a great reminder!

  5. Another great resource for a huge list of Scripture's expression of God's value on us is Neil Anderson's "Who I Am in Christ"
    Copy and paste this link to go to the website:
    Here's the list itself:
    "Understanding your identity in Christ is absolutely essential to your success at living the victorious Christian life."

    If you are a Christian, then what is below is true of you. If you are not a Christian, click here...

    Who I Am In Christ
    I am accepted...
    John 1:12 I am God's child.
    John 15:15 As a disciple, I am a friend of Jesus Christ.
    Romans 5:1 I have been justified.
    1 Corinthians 6:17 I am united with the Lord, and I am one with Him in spirit.
    1 Corinthians 6:19-20 I have been bought with a price and I belong to God.
    1 Corinthians 12:27 I am a member of Christ's body.
    Ephesians 1:3-8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
    Colossians 1:13-14 I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
    Colossians 2:9-10 I am complete in Christ.
    Hebrews 4:14-16 I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ.

    I am secure...
    Romans 8:1-2 I am free from condemnation.
    Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
    Romans 8:31-39 I am free from any condemnation brought against me and I cannot be separated from the love of God.
    2 Corinthians 1:21-22 I have been established, anointed and sealed by God.
    Colossians 3:1-4 I am hidden with Christ in God.
    Philippians 1:6 I am confident that God will complete the good work He started in me.
    Philippians 3:20 I am a citizen of heaven.
    2 Timothy 1:7 I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
    1 John 5:18 I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me.

    I am significant...
    John 15:5 I am a branch of Jesus Christ, the true vine, and a channel of His life.
    John 15:16 I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
    1 Corinthians 3:16 I am God's temple.
    2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
    Ephesians 2:6 I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm.
    Ephesians 2:10 I am God's workmanship.
    Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
    Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

    "The more you reaffirm who you are in Christ, the more your behavior will begin to reflect your true identity!"
    (From Victory Over the Darkness , by Dr. Neil Anderson)

  6. WEEK 5 has been awesome! It started with the quote from Lisa on page 102 – “I can rest in teh safety of how He feels about me enough to not be perfect.” Then on page 103 I answred the question “what do you think makes the difference between the memories becoming friends or foes?” with the song “Scars are Beautiful” by Paul Brandt – one of the lines says “they’re all roadmaps to life’s lessons learned by sacrifice or sin” – I remembered the words of Jospeh – “you meant it for evil but God meant it for good”. Then I absolutely fell in love with Psalm 103!

    Jennifer then asked, on page 109, if we have an emblem or keepsake that expressed to our family the benefits of God. I am a scrapbooker and do many of the 12x12 pages; but...I have started a 8.5x11 3-ringed binder that I reference as my “Memory Binder” or my “Stone Stories”. It is in here that I put the seemingly small things but spiritually huge reminders of God’s love and grace and some actions simply “because He can!” Several months ago I had surgery on my knee and had to stay with my daughter for 6 weeks – I took my Stone Stories binder with me and reviewed God’s blessings to me regularly!

    But it was day 5 that totally floored me (literally) – Psalm 84:1 – How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts!” You see, I believe scripture – and together with learning to receive good things said about me – I read this and the tears started – our magnificent God thinks I am lovely! And He KNOWS me inside and out. Totally Amazing!


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