Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Siesta Bible Study - 2nd Session

So now that we've had 2 weeks to do homework since Beth had us figuring out our dog personalities, have you been able to get the first 2 weeks of homework done?

Have a look at Beth's video for this session, and then let's have some discussion!

Siesta Summer Bible Study (Weeks 1 and 2) from LPV on Vimeo.

If at all possible, please watch the video for your instructions for this week’s gathering but, just in case you can’t get it to work or can’t spare the time, here are the activities in writing:

1. (I think we've all had a chance to share this one during the past 2 wks) By now you’ve been well introduced to the concept of the study. We’re cleaning out our thought closets. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you individually need this particular subject matter and why?

2. Look on p.13 at the quote in the margin: “Who I am and what I struggle with are not the same thing.” In what way did that statement resonate with you? What struggle do you most tend to define yourself by?

3. Look on p.23, Day 4 of Week 1 at the interactive where Jennifer says, “In your own words, describe worry.” What was your answer?

4. Go to p.44 in Week 2 and focus on the part of the study where Jennifer talks about “faulty assumptions.” I thought this part was incredibly insightful. What is one of your faulty assumptions?


  1. 1. I'd say I'm still at a "4" on the scale. I'm praising God, though, because 15 years ago, my scale would have registered at "250" or so! God has been renewing my mind with His Word over the years, and throwing out those "stinkin' thinkin'" clothes and replacing with God's healing Word is the ONLY way!

    2. I even posted this on the blog when I first read it! I had to say, to my shame, that I have been defining myself by my health, and what I "can't" do anymore. . .but God has me here for His purposes, and I am still His workmanship. Those purposes just look different now

    3. worry -- to keep inviting the possible future into my certain present

    4. ahh, faulty assumptions. My biggest one, and the one that's caused me the most pain, is the "since I can't do what I used to do and since my health is bad now, Tod (my husband) doesn't really want me anymore. I'm just a drag on his ministry and he would be better off without me." Oh, what a lie, and what Pain I cause him when I act on that faulty assumption! I'm getting better at "casting down that imagination" right away before it starts affecting my behavior!

    I was wondering how long it would take for the "bump-it" to make it on the siesta blog!! everytime I see that commercial I think of Beth and the "big hair" of her earlier videos (does anyone remember the first video series on the tabernacle??)

    Right now I'm working with a couple of ladies who have their thought closets so crammed with junk they just don't know what to do with themselves . . .please pray that I will "communicate the message as clearly as I should" (Colossians 4)
    Thanks, ladies

  2. Beverley, thanks for sharing! I really like your definition of worry.
    I honestly had a difficult time with Day 4 of Week 2, because I couldn't for the life of me think of any faulty assumptions that I have. And it seemed that every question was based on my answer to the previous question.
    I prayed yesterday and asked God to reveal any faulty assumtions that I might have.
    Then this morning when I had my quiet time, the writer of the little devotional booklet that I use told of having a recurring dream he had where he would get up to preach on a Sunday morning - he is a former pastor - and there would be no one in the congregation. He went on to say "It doesn't take a Daniel or a dream therapist to interpret the vision. It grew out of my belief that everything depended on me..... I thought I was responsible for the results of God's work."
    Then it dawned on me that I have the same faulty assumption!! Whenever I do something for the Lord I feel like it's all on my shoulders. But it isn't! My responsibility is to serve Him faithfully, whatever I'm doing, and leave the results to Him.
    Next Monday my husband & I are speaking at a seminar & telling about some of the things God has done in our marriage. I realize now that I've been taking it all on myself, and worrying about what we will say and how it will be received, instead of giving it all to Him and asking Him to have the freedom to say whatever He wants to say through us.
    John 15:5 "I am the Vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from Me you can do nothing."
    AMEN! Jesus, empty me of me so that You can flow through me, completely unobstructed!!

  3. Judi,
    I will be praying for you and your husband. It really is freeing to know that I'm only responsible to be obedient; I'm not responsible for the responses of others. God will work through your lives!

  4. 1. (I think we've all had a chance to share this one during the past 2 wks) By now you’ve been well introduced to the concept of the study. We’re cleaning out our thought closets. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you individually need this particular subject matter and why?
    I would say Glory that I am about a 5 or 6. I would have totally put myself at a 10 before. But these past 2 years I have been in God’s spiritual bootcamp. I came to nepal thinking I would serve God and change those around me. Instead I came to know God and He changed me. You see I knew I had “stinking thinking” in America.. thoughts that were not honoring to God… but instead of battling and fighting them with the truth I could easily ignore them by running to something that made me comfortable. But God brought me all the way to Nepal where I had to give up everything that made me comfortable. I had nothing to run to and had to confront the thoughts in my head or go crazy. God has taught me much about the battlefield of the mind and fighting it with His truth.

    2. Look on p.13 at the quote in the margin: “Who I am and what I struggle with are not the same thing.” In what way did that statement resonate with you? What struggle do you most tend to define yourself by?

    I would say I tend to most define myself by my overeating habits. That is the habitual sin I struggle with often. When I fail in that area I often tell myself well I am a defeated failure, there is no hope for victory. It’s awesome to remember that because I struggle in this area does not make me a defeated failure.

    3. Look on p.23, Day 4 of Week 1 at the interactive where Jennifer says, “In your own words, describe worry.” What was your answer? \
    Worry is thinking on and meditating on the What If’s.

    4. Go to p.44 in Week 2 and focus on the part of the study where Jennifer talks about “faulty assumptions.” I thought this part was incredibly insightful. What is one of your faulty assumptions?
    One of my faulty assumptions is I most be loved by everyone.
    I tend to gravitate towards thinking that I must make myself stand out by being perfect or no one will notice me. I grew up with an identical twin sister (who is my best friend in the world) but she and I looked so alike people saw us as a unit instead of individuals. I so longed to be seen as an individual. Sometimes I still have to work through the assumption that I do not have to be perfect to be KNOWN.

  5. I find this bible study subject great for me since the root of so many of my struggles in trying to give Glory to God, is related to what's going on in my head.
    I didn't realize that I worried so much about what others thought about me. I find myself guessing, or even deciding what I think they thought of me..then judging myself based on my guesses.
    I seem to have this standard in my mind of how I should be. Sometimes I meet it, a lot of the times I fail. I hadn't even realized how self-focused it is. I constantly list, to myself, how I have failed or suceeded in various tasks or situations with people. That's not my job. I'll leave it in my Abba's hands.

  6. Heidi, been there, been there, been miserably there! Praise God He led you to this study so freedom can be the new song in your life!

    Jen, what a sweet heart you have! I'm going to put this up for "all y'all" to see, if you want to. It's my testimony that I gave at Celebrate Recovery recently. Though it doesn't really touch on the last 7-9 years of my life, it really speaks to what we have been talking about.
    It's on my blog www.pleaforgrace.com, under the "blog roll"section on the left. It's the "she could be anyone"

  7. 1. On a scale of 1-10, I'm a definate 10 or maybe even off the charts! My thought closet seems to so easily get cluttered with opinions and assumptions of others. I can easily judge others with very little or no basis to do so apart from my own vain imaginings...(getting ahead to #4). I also appreciate the reminder that my actions and deeds whether godly or ungodly, are the result of the thoughts and meditations in my heart. Therefore, this subject matter is convicting and challenging! Whew!...I'm not finding it to be much of a "siesta"! (just kidding, it's all good, very good!)

    2. I love to be reminded of who I am in Christ, and particular to the truth that I am forgiven. I struggle in my thoughts as being unforgivable.

    3. Worry - Destructive thoughts that eat away at living life fully in the present.

    4. Because I tend to struggle with several faulty assumptions, I actually asked my husband what specific faulty assumption I make towards him! Ouch! I must admit, he was right in what he shared with me...I assume there are always hidden motives to much of what he says to me. And rather than taking him for face value, I tend to either mistrust or judge.

    Through the last day of study for week two, God revealed to me that the true nature and cause of my faulty assumption is pride. Another "ouch" for me but I'm grateful to see this and I'm praying that God would help me "cut this root with the Sword of His Spirit".

  8. "I must be loved by everyone"
    "guessing, or even deciding what I think they thought of me..then judging myself based on my guesses"
    "I assume there are always hidden motives to much of what he says to me. And rather than taking him for face value, I tend to either mistrust or judge"
    OUCH, OUCH and OUCH again!!!
    Well, I prayed that He would reveal to me some of the false assumptions that I have, and those 3 that Jenn, Heidi & Michele mentioned pretty much mirror some wrong attitudes that are in my own life.
    In some ways, they are all related.
    Thanks for being so honest.
    Bev, I went to www.pleaforgrace.com but I wasn't able to access the page for "she could be anyone". Do I have to have your approval?

  9. sorry 'bout that ladies; i tried to make it easy . . .Judi, i did get a notice that someone had tried to access the doc and i approved it; hope that was you :)
    The ONLY reason I even put that up is because the bondage I was in for so long was so directly related to my false thinking. I am so grateful to God for opening my eyes to see Him, and to see truth--He really did set me free!

  10. 1. 10 - I REALLY need this study in my life right now. (God's timing is amazingly perfect!) I have too many anxious, worried thoughts that lead to fear, which affects my day-to-day. I need a thought closet clean up!

    2. I struggle with fear, but it no longer defines me. Only Jesus does. My circumstances do not define me. Only Jesus does. Knowing this FREES me.

    3. Worry: useless thinking that overtakes my mind and actions, and, therefore, prohibits me from living the life God intended for me.

    4. I'm single, so I had to think about my friends in regard to this question... I have a hard time trusting people, and when someone doesn't do what I would like them to do, I assume they don't care about me or value me.

    I am SO grateful for this study. It's been scary at times - to face the ugly thoughts head on. But, God is renewing my mind, and showing me that I have to face them to clean them out. And, when they're cleaned out, they're replaced by His Word. Praise God! He's so good.

  11. Wow I see parts of me in everyones comments. My Faulty assumption is like many of you I feel I have to be perfect to be of any good for God. I used to also faulty assume that everyone was against me and partially based my opinions of others on how I thought they were thinking of me. (Basically being very suspicious and untrusting of others) Sometimes I feel invisible (like no one sees me or knows I am around) and sometimes I want to be invisible. I am a recovering people pleaser that lived in fear for all of her life. I'm just now (in my 40's) learning who I am. What I like and don't like, not because of what someone else likes.
    Right now I strugle with eating and my weight. Until I was 30 I was 98lbs. (Actually went to dietians to gain weight) Then I became almost double that, and now am trying to lose weight. I am learning not to let that define who I am. (What we struggle with is not who we are) that is a great quote. I am a little behind on the study, but will catch up and may have more to say. It is hard to bare myself, and I thank the rest of you for your honesty it helps me to have courage to let the real me come out.
    Blessings to all,
    Lynn R - OR

  12. Where do I get myself one of those "Bump-it"s???? I have never seen those before, but I've gotta get me one!!

  13. #1 – 1-10 how much do I need this study?? Ask me last week and I may have answered about 3. Then, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the Lord showed me a different area of thoughts that needed cleaning up. So , tonight I am answering an 8. Five years ago the number would have been off the scale but the Lord has done an amazing work in me and it has taken this study to show me. But the area of thinking He is causing me to focus on rather than thoughts of my person was the thoughts preventing me from being the woman He wants me to be in other areas (behaviour and excuse making).
    #2 – my struggles/who I am – I mainly struggle with doing what I do not want to do and not doing what I want to do. Praise the Lord for His having Paul document his own struggles of this nature. How absolutely precious our God is to know how comforting it would be to us to know that we are in good company with the apostle Paul. (Romans 7) Yet Paul knew that what he struggled with was not “him” – he knew he was “loved by God and called to be (a saint)”. Since I did Beth’s study Believing God for the first time over 4 years ago, I repeat the five-finger statement of faith and pray the our God will help me to remember who He is (Creator God in total control and full of love for me amongst so many other things) and who I am in Him (His daughter, a princess, part of the bride of Christ – forgiven, chosen, redeemed, accepted, beloved – just to name a few).
    #3 – Define worry – To keep busy trying to figure something out and all the while leaving God totally out of the picture.
    #4 – Faulty Assumptions. I used to fret that my children did not love me when I did not hear from them or had a disagreement with them. I do praise the Lord that He helped me to see the lie in that and to rest in the peace of KNOWING they love me. When something happens and I begin to worry again I ask God to please remind me to think truth – I am their mother and they do love me. Plain and simple. This truth has not only set me free from this assumption and fear – I think it has lifted the burden from both my children to think they needed to meet my needs. Since I have trusted God alone to meet all of my needs my children are free to love me whenever and however they chose and I cherish every minute.

    PS - Judi check out this url for the Bumpits - https://www.bumpits.ca/Default.aspx

  14. Sorry I am late posting (just got back from vacation but I took my bible study w/ me ) I would say I need this an 8! I so want to be set free in this area
    I struggle w/ fear of all kinds but just because I am afraid doenst make me a "fraidy cat". If fact just last weekend I was scared to death of something but did it
    Worry- playing the "what ifs over and over in my mind"
    My #1 faulty assumption is that everyone else is perfect and they expect me to be too. I am soo tired of that phony stuff and want to be real. I want to accept others as they really are and if they cant accept me, well thats their deal not mine.

    thanks again for hosting this study
    Jill-- Vandalia MO


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