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This is a blog for women who desire to be built up and encouraged by other women, through the Word of God. True Vibe is the Women's Ministry arm of Crosstrainers, based in Bradford, Ontario, Canada. Let's use this blog to encourage one another, and to strengthen our committment to Jesus!!
By faith I receive truth. By faith I believe truth. By faith I act on truth (from p. 66)
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Spirit counsels me, comforts me, defends me, through God's Word. I need to remember to slow down when the "stinkin' thinking" is crowding me, and be quiet and take the time to listen to what the Spirit of Truth is saying.
And here goes my mantra again (some may read mama bev is nagging again). . .you've GOT to give the Holy Spirit something to work with in your thought closet! Memorizing/meditating on Scripture is so vital to freedom and clean thought closets!
My dear favorite new siestas....
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you so much for your prayers for me in my last days in nepal. I so wish that you could have been here with me during some of the most precious moments of my life. But I feel like you were here with your prayers. It has been an incredible snapshot of heaven. God has graciously allowed me to see the works that He did through me here in the past 2 years.. at least a small portion of it. God does so much more then we could ask or imagine. I cannot stop weeping over the goodness of God. 2 years ago I came here a girl who thought I could change the world. I then quickly realized that I did not speak the language, did not understand the culture, did not really love the people on my own. Then God gently broke me and sweetly whispered through the circumstances when I was thinking what in the world am I doing here.. I CAN CHANGE YOUR WORLD.. your world. What a personal God. So for two years I feel I have seen God doing that in so many precious ways. Through the difficult times like this winter as we refer to it as the cold dark winter when we had only 2 hours of power a day.. or when churches were bombed, or when I missed my family, or when my grandmother died, or in the sweet smile of a begger child, or in the true worship of the nepalese people, or in the laughter that seems to follow wherever I go ( I love to laugh!) God CHANGED me. I love that He loved me enough to bring me here to do that.. and in the process I got to see Him use an empty broken vessel like me. I found such joy in the serving God. People often ask me how I did it. I must say a resounding It was the most difficult 2 years but most amazing because Jesus walked right beside me.. He gave Joy in the deepest darkness.. peace and I met Him-- Jesus My one and only. He was the lover of my soul, my father, my family-- and if anyone says a christian should not have fun serving God they are wrong. I had a blast.. the BEST times of my life. I felt more alive here, laughed more here, danced more-- because I let Go here and let God.. or rather God sweetly asked me to let Go and take hold of Him-- the one who calls me beautfiful, the one who notices me, who I don't have to super serve or be perfect for.. the one who I don't have to ring a bell to wake up in the mornings like my hindu neighbors, the one who I don't have to worship in the form of an idol and wonder if He is even listening-- the one who would never ask me to sacrifice my life to try to become something better in the next life (I saw a human sacrifice here, a man burned alive to try to become something better in the next life).. a Jesus who GAVE His life so that I might LIVE! ok.. i'm going to stop preaching now. Sorry I just needed a place to process all the praise thoughts going through my head.
So thanks for praying for my last weeks. With my friend getting saved, getting to speak in church completely in nepalee unprepared-- that was a language 2 years ago I knew no words in at all, getting to do all the "last meals" with my friends.. it's been a glorious picture of heaven for me.
Now if you could remember me in my journey and pray for me. It's a long one. IT takes about 48 hours to get home.. and i really don't have any layovers. I leave here tommorow at 2:00, then fly to Thailand. Get on a plane directly after landing in thailand, fly 17 hours to LA airport. Please pray me through that airport. I have an 1 1/2 to get through customs, checkc and re-check my luggage and get from the international airport to the other one.. by myself.. only a miracle of God can get me through that on time and I know you guys can pray that for me.
Pray for me as I enter a world that is not home to me anymore.. pray specificaly for no reverse culture shock.
I love you siestas. Sorry this was so long.!
ReplyDeleteWeek three continues to floor me as God has brought this into alignment of my other Bible Study that I am facilitating. Believing God by Beth Moore...and this week both are about ACTION, ACTING....stepping forward and to BELIEVE...and so it caused my spirit to leap as I wrote about this almost a year ago. I've added the blog address in case any of you desire to read what God placed on my heart to share with the world. HE IS MY HEALER! Judi, I simply do not have the time to come back here and check to see if you leave me a comment. Would you be so kind as to e-mail me your responsive thoughts?
I love the verse, James 3:17 and the exercise in Day 1 to list all the opposite words to Godly wisdom. I found it to be very insightful and practical. This verse reminds me to make the conscious choice to apply Godly wisdom to my life instead of acting out of my emotions. Emotions get in my way far too many times...especially when the hormones are out of control. So I decided to write this verse on a card and keep it with me and pull it out when I'm ready to react out of my emotions and worldly wisddom as opposed to godly wisdom. "..."gentle, open to reason, full of mercy..." I pray God will help me choose these three aspects of Godly wisdom that are especially needed in my life at the present moment.
ReplyDeleteI have that "note card" stamped inside my brain. . ."Beverly, just 4:8 those thoughts!" (from p. 73,74). Isn't God amazing to give us tangible things to do to clean out our closets and put beautifuls things in there instead?!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it! I'm home (from my trailer at a Christan campground) for a couple of days, and I left my MM&L workbook behind! And I'm not finished week 3 yet! So Bev, I haven't gotten to the part about the note card and 4:8, but now my curiosity is piqued!
ReplyDeleteI guess this means I'll be needing to do lots of catch-up when I get back tomorrow night!!
Girls, did you know that you can receive all the blog comments by email? Just click on the link at the bottom of the post that says “subscribe by email” (to the right of "post comment" and then you don’t have to keep checking back on the blog to see who’s written what.
ReplyDeleteI NEED Phil. 4:8 pasted on my forehead at all times!!
ReplyDeleteTherefore, that's what my memory verse will be for the next 2 weeks.
On pg. 71, Jennifer says: "If your thoughts don't concur with Scripture, they're not from the Spirit - and they don't belong in your thought closet"
It reminded me of the "price-checker" in Wal-Mart. When I'm unsure of the price of something, I'll take it over to the price checker, scan it, and find out how much the thing costs. God's Word is just like that!! If have something I'm going over and over in my mind, and I'm not sure if it is from God, or if it's right to be thinking about it, I need to hold it up to my "thought-checker", AKA the Bible!