Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sign up Here for Summer Online Bible Study

Anybody up for a Summer online Bible Study?

Through her blog, ( Beth Moore is organizing a 6 week online Bible study, based on Jennifer Rothchild’s newest Bible study, “Me, Myself and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover”. This study for women will encourage us to clean out the junk in our thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with positive truths from God’s word.
Words are powerful. Especially the words women speak to themselves. All too often, what they say to themselves when they lie in bed at night or look in the mirror in the morning is not even close to the words God wants them to speak to their souls.
If you’re interested in joining the online summer Bible study, here’s how we will do it:
1) Visit Beth’s blog post where she gives instructions: click here
2) The study begins on Tuesday, June 23, 2009. Between now and then, you need to get yourself a copy of the workbook, “Me, Myself and Lies”. You can get it from The Treasure House, or order it directly from Lifeway’s website.
3) The group will “meet” every 2 weeks on Beth’s blog, where she will also facilitate our discussion via video. Then, throughout the next 2 weeks, (till the next session), here on the True Vibe Blog, we’ll discuss our answers to the study guide questions, as well as any other comments or questions we want to post. Watch for a new post every 2 weeks that we can all add our discussion to.
If you’d like to see a video clip of Jennifer talking about her Bible study, click here.
If you'd like to sign up for this online Bible Study, please enter your name & location in a comment below. Also, please feel free to tell us a little bit about yourself.


  1. I'm definately interested in participating in a summer bible study. How do I go about getting a work book? Are you selling them, Judi?
    This blog thing is all new to me so please bear with me!
    Heidi Smith

  2. You can get a workbook from Treasure House or order it online from Lifeway (see #2 above, and click on the "Lifeway's Website" that is in green.
    There is also the possibility, for those of you who don't want to do it online, of joining a small group in Bradford that would meet either weekly or bi-weekly (if there are enough participants)
    So when you sign up here, please give your name and also whether you will be following online (through the Blog) or if you want to be part of a "physical" group. (sorry, no childcare available)

  3. I'll be doing the online study on the blog here.
    I've been married 29 yrs, and have 4 children. My 4th is just finishing highschool - thus ends a chapter in our lives.
    My 3rd son just got married to a beautiful girl who loves the Lord. He's the first of the kids to be married - this is the beginning of a new chapter in our lives!!
    Judi - Bradford, ON

  4. I would love to join you online; thank you for inviting me! I am mentoring a young woman, so we are going to go through this together, but I would love to get in on the discussions with you.
    "see you" in just about a week!

    Stayton, OR USA siesta

    I have a blog, too:

  5. Hey would love to join you guys. I am currntly living and serving God in nepal.. have been here for the past 2 years and it has been amazing. In one month I am returning back to america so please pray about that! I am 27 and single but feel completely spoiled rotten by God. look forward to it! my blog is

  6. Hello everyone! I would love to join your group. I live in Ohio. Ive been married to my hubby for 30 years (this summer) and I have 2 grown children. Looking forward to getting to know you siestas.

    My blog:

    Blessing to all,

  7. Cathey, Jenn & Beverley - -
    WELCOME!!! Isn't it awesome to know that no matter how far away we live from one another, regardless of our church affiliations, no matter what our ages are, we can come together as Siestas and study God's Word together with a common love for its Author!!!!
    Looking forward to getting to know you.

  8. Hello,
    My name is Melissa and I would love to join your group. I. too, live in Ohio. (Hi Cathey!!) I am a married momma of 4 (2 boys and two girls).

    I look forward to studying His WORD with you all.

  9. Hi, Ladies,

    Thank you for your email today. Would love to join your group. I love in Southern California, am an older single gal and could sure use the accountability of a group Bible Study. Am looking forward to "meeting" with you all!



  10. Hey from Texas, ya'll! Thanks for letting me know about this online, bloggety, study thing-y. I didn't do Beth's summer study last year so I'm new to this. A friend and I will be doing this together in person; we'll keep in touch with the online crew here. Can't wait!

    Sam (

  11. Thanks for the invite. And I accept. I live in Milwaukie OR My husband and I been married for almost 12 years and have a blended family of 3 grown married children and 4 Grand children. I do not have my book yet either but should soon. I also have a couple of blogs that I haven't posted a lot to lately but am itching to do so.
    Thanks again and looking forward to getting to know everyone and start the study.

  12. Thanks for inviting me! I live in Red Deer,AB, work full time at a church and love to do Bible studies! I am excited about trying one online. I have 3 grown children and 9 granchildren. I have been widowed for over 5yrs. I look forward to getting to know you all through this study. I see there is already a "Lynn" in the group, hi to Lynn in Milwaukie OR!


  13. Ladies,
    I'm a mother of two boys (2yrs and the other 3 months) I'm looking forward to this online Bible study and meeting everyone!
    Heidi from Bradford, Ontario

  14. Thank you for the invitation to join your group. I would love to. I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 23 years this July 4th. ( yes my father in law teases that when all other men were celebrating their independence, my hubby lost his :) ) We have 3 sons, 2 in college and the baby is 16. I live in a small rural community in Missouri and looking forward to connectint w/ all of you


  15. I too am looking forward to being part of this on-line study with all of you! My husband and I were missionaries in Peru for 12 years and two years ago God called us to a change of ministry that brought us back to living in our hometown of Bradford, Ontario. We have three daughters. Our oldest just finished her 2nd. year of University and two in Highschool.

  16. Welcome to Melissa, Gretchen, Lynn, Lynn, Heidi, Jill & Michele. So glad you've joined us!
    Lynn & Lynn, perhaps you could sign your last initial as well as your first name whenever you post, just to help us differentiate!
    - Judi

  17. I'm in! Thanks so much for the invite. My name is Glynda. I live at Scott AFB in Illinois. It's just east of St Louis, MO. We are a military family and just moved here. I am having a hard time finding a group to get plugged into- so I am very excited about this study. I have had my book for weeks and now I have a group! Yea!
    I am married and have two boys-7 yrs and 5 yrs. Our youngest has Down Syndrome. My family has been my biggest challenge and my biggest blessing. Looking forward to meeting everyone soon.

  18. Well...Hello ALL!! How exciting is this! I just have not had time to sign up and look what happens...we go international! I have my book ordered but it will not be here for Tuesday.
    I am from Bradford Ontario - home of TrueVibe. I have two children and would give their ages but a lot of the local ladies know my daughter and I am not sure how she feels about her age being given out (Hmmmm...must check that one out). Suffice to say they are both adults and I have 6 of the most beautiful grandchildren. I have been both widowed and divorced and currently am relying on God to be my husband (Isaiah 54:4). He does such an amazing job!
    I was excited to be doing the study but am even more so now with all you ladies "attending".
    "See you" Tuesday!

  19. Judi...did you get the slip in my last post?? I even reviewed it before posting and only caught it now when I glanced to see how it was posted. I put "I am from Bradford". Wow - that should tell you where my heart is - my mind as well. I am SO excited about moving up to Bradford in August!

  20. Thanks so much for the invitation! I'm so excited to be joining you all!

    My name is Nightingale from Miami, FL

  21. A big welcome to Glynda, June & Nightengale. If you get a chance, please send me photo of yourself so I can add it to our group photo.

  22. Hi Ladies,

    I would LOVE to join your group for some online accountability!

    My name is Leslie, and I live in Atlanta, GA with my husband and three sons (ages 19, 15, and 12). I am a native New York city gal, transplanted in southern belle territory for the past 11 years.

    I am sooo looking forward to beginning this study, and meeting such a diverse group of siestas here!


  23. Hi Ladies-
    I too would love to join your on-line group for this study. As only GOD could ordain Siesta Gretchen is my neighbor in Ventura County, CA we are going to meet in person and blog.

    Our books haven't arrived yet but hopefully soon. Can't wait to see what GOD does through this study.

    BLESS TrueVIBE. I love your name, mission and blog.
    Siesta Madelin
    Southern CA

  24. Hi everyone. I'm Monica and I live in Richmond Hill, Toronto, Canada. I was born in Sydney, Australia. I am 34 and have 3 girls 8, 6 and 3. I am expecting a boy in August. I did the first study last night and have already learned something new!

  25. Welcome Leslie, Madelin and Monica,
    Madelin, did you already know Gretchen or are you just meeting her?
    Monica, Richmond Hill is so close to Bradford where I live! We are practically neighbours!
    Leslie, I love that God can transplant us and still lead us to places where we will meet sisters in the LORD!!
    Ladies, please jump in on yesterday's post "Siesta Bible Study Kick-Off".
    There are a few of us who don't have books yet, so while the others are doing their homeword, we'll just have to wait patiently!

  26. Hello all,
    I hope I can still join? Very exciting!
    Very encouraging to read all your comments and knowing we can spur each other on!!
    Looking forward to learning and growing with you.

  27. HI CARLA!!! Of course you can join us! Did you get your workbook? Mine still is not in yet - they said this week sometime - I will be a busy girl when if finally does come in. The First week was on a download so that is done.

    (Miss you!!)

  28. I am very exciting for joining this blog. Its interesting topic and valuable comments for this blog. I encourage your hard work.

  29. if the buffalo in my head could speak german i would not know a god damm thing. What i do know is that the language of art is out of this world. Sign Up Page


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