Monday, August 31, 2009

Siesta Scripture Memory Workout Verse for September 1st

Well Siestas, has this been a workout for you? Are you exercising your memory and also your spiritual insight by memorizing, meditating on, and repeating your verses over and over ? Have you run into any situations where one of your verses has popped into your mind at just the right time? If so, please share with the rest of us and let's be encouraged.

In the comments below, write the verse you chosen to memorize for the next 2 weeks, why you've chosen it, and don't forget to sign your name! Then either in the same comment box, or a new one, share anything that God has impressed on you from your verses, or maybe even an instance where you've been able to speak one of your verses into your own or someone else's life.


  1. My last veraw said "My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on Your promises"

    I decided I better commit some of God's promises to memory, so I can truly meditate on them!

    I've already memorized Ps 103: 1-2, but I'd like to commit the whole psalm to memory, so I'll start with vv 3-5 during these next 2 wks.

    "Praise the LORD, oh my soul, and all my inmost being, praise His holy name!
    Praise the LORD, oh my sould, amd do not forget ANY of His benefits.
    He forgives ALL your sins,
    and heals ALL your diseases.
    He redeems your life from the pit,
    and crowns your life with love and compassion
    He satisfies your desires with GOOD things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles."

  2. I forgot to come here and post my memory verse, just thought of it now. I am doing Beth's "Inheritance" dvds with my daughter and so I chose my verse from that series.

    Psalm 16:6 ESV

    The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

  3. Jeremiah 17:7
    "But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence."

  4. God's word has come to mind so many times at just the right moment! NavPress,, has a new electronic download of their Topical Memory System. Verses will pop up on my screen throughout the day. It is way cool! A great way to keep my mind focused on Him. If you'd like to try it, use this coupon code L69E1D8W3 to get 20% off your purchase.


You are welcome to post your comment here. Please sign your first name at the end (last name is optional)