Monday, August 31, 2009

Under His Hand

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time." I Peter 5:6

If you come over to my house and meet my dog, TJ, the first thing you'll notice (after he quits barking at you) is that he loves attention. He honestly believes that every visitor to our house is there to see him! He loves nothing more than to sit beside you and have you pet him!

In the morning when I wake up, often I'll pat the bed beside me, call his name, and he'll come over from his sleeping spot and jump on to the bed beside me to get his ears scratched and his tummy rubbed. If I move my hand away, he'll thrust his nose under my hand, wanting me to pet him. As I think about that, I am impressed by God that this is how we should approach Him every morning.

Imagine how our lives would change if our first thought or action was not, "Oh no, another day," or "Am I late for work?" For those who have experienced loss, that waking moment may hold, "I wonder where he or she is," or "I miss my loved one." I have been told that smokers often think, "I need a cigarette," immediately upon waking.

What if our first action of every day was more like TJ's in the morning? Perhaps the Lord is impressing me, through this simple canine act, that the first thing I should do every day is to get my head under His hand, so that He can guide my thoughts and order my steps.

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)

When God's hand rests upon our lives, wisdom will enlighten our minds and integrity will direct our feet. Jesus said that He is light, and His light guides our paths. When the light moves, we move. Where He goes, we must go. We not only walk in the light, but we freely express the glory of His light through our lives. This is life under His hand.

When TJ showers me with kisses, I appreciate his enthusiasm and affection, but sometimes it's a bit much. However, now when he pushes his head under my hand, I turn my attention to him, petting his head as I contemplate God's truth. His move is not bold or boisterous, yet I notice him. I pull him close.

I have no doubt that God never wearies of our enthusiasm and affection, but I also believe that he notices our submission. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you," wrote James, the brother of Jesus. (James 4:8)

Under His hand there is warmth and intimacy. When we press in toward God, it's like TJ nudging my hand. God responds with divine love. He presses in toward us. This is perhaps the most intimate relationship that mankind can have with Holy God while we are still alive on this earth. It is supernatural and life-changing.

Under His hand there is security and safety. If you ever see the owner of a cat or small dog encounter a large, threatening dog, you will see the same reaction: the owner will immediately pick up their pet and hold it close. When the owner holds their beloved pet, the animal is usually safe. With God, we are always safe when under His hand. The Psalmist declared, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!'" (Psalm 91:1-2)

We cannot live in the "shadow of the Almighty" without being close. It requires the kind of trust TJ has in me: simple, yet profound. He trusts me completely, even when his limited mind cannot comprehend my plans. He obeys me, for the most part, and his obedience is rewarded with the good things I bring him. I look for ways to give him joy -- though I am just a human. How much greater is a close relationship with the Creator of the universe when we trust Him completely? The joy He gives surpasses anything we could ever conjure on our own.

Maybe you didn't wake up today seeking to have His hand resting on your head, but you can start now by drawing near and He will draw near to you. Then tomorrow, and every day after that, begin your day by pressing closer to Him, submitting your will and quieting your mind. When we truly learn to live this way, we will begin to experience the transforming power of His abiding presence.


  1. Judi, thanks for these great thoughts. I like the picture you drew from TJ to us being under God's hand. Such a blessing to live in that safety and know He is on our side. I appreciate you sharing this with us. Hope you have a great week.

  2. Judi - that is such a great visual! For the past many months I have started each day by saying before I get out of bed "good morning" to my Father and then "This is the day you have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it". Yesterday I woke up and, immediately after saying that, I realized that the first part "this is the day you have made" is past tense. It hit me - my Father knows what today holds - my part is to have the right response to everything He has planned for me. This is relatively easy to say these pase few days as I lay in bed listening to the surf rolling onto the shore with thoughts of sunny weather, beach walks and bonfires! As we head out on the road tomorrow morning, I pray I will remember your illustration and my need to respond to His love with faith in my Father.


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